Tips For Storing Bean Bag Weight

bean bag weight

Tips For Storing Bean Bag Weight

There are some who may say that a bean bag can only be used as a decoration or as a spare seat when one cannot afford a bulky sofa. This is true but what most people do not know is that there are several other uses of bean bags and what is more important is to know how to properly clean and maintain them so that you can enjoy it for many years. The first thing that you need to consider is the cleaning process because even if they are meant to be cleaned every now and then, there are some that can harbor nasty bacteria and mold. This can lead to allergies and other health problems if you unknowingly let it build up over time. This is why you should know how to properly clean your bean bag so that it remains in top condition at all times.

The first thing that you should do is wash the bag with warm water and soap. Do not use a lot of detergent because you can actually bleach out the color of the bag which can be very unattractive especially in the eyes. You may want to use a soft cloth so that the bag will not be damaged while being washed. If possible, it would be better if you could use a showerhead so that you could fill the bag with warm water and then sit on the bag while it is soaking. Do not use a towel as this will just cause the water to splash onto the floor instead of sitting on top of the bag.

Next, use a dry towel to wipe off the dirt that has been spread all over the bag. Remember to never ever run water directly onto the bean bag weight because this can cause stains to appear. In order to remove stains, you can use some baking soda which is good for cleaning any kind of stains. Once you have finished wiping the dirt, make sure that you dry the bean bag gently with a paper towel so that no residue is left.

You may want to spray some alcohol on the bag to dry it out completely. However, using alcohol can be very harmful especially if you are not sure about the level of concentration. You can also try using the freezer for some time so that you can totally dry the bean bag without any residue left after using the freezer. Just make sure that the bag is completely defrosted after using the freezer so that you do not end up wasting any food.

After removing all of the dust and dirt from the bag, you should always store it in its original bag which you obtained after buying the bean bag weight. Do not stack the bean bag weight on top of each other because it can damage the handles. It is best to place it in an upright position where the legs can hang.

Lastly, you should never wash the bag because this can cause the bag to tear down the hinges. It is best that you leave the bean bag weight in its original bag. By following these simple tips, you can keep the bean bag in good condition for a long period of time.