Cornhole Length

cornhole length

A competitive cornhole game is best played with boards spaced at least 27 feet apart. This distance will give experienced players a good challenge but won’t make scoring too difficult. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the game should not be played with children or newbies, as it can be too difficult for them.

Players will alternate pitching the cornhole bags for each inning. The game ends when one player has tossed all four bags. A game may be played with two players or with four players. In a 1 vs. 1 match, each player is responsible for a lane, but in a two-on-two match, each team must play their own lane.

A cornhole board should weigh at least 25 pounds. It should have a hole about 6 inches in diameter and should be smooth. The hole should be drilled at least three inches from the front edge and twelve inches from the back edge. The playing surface should be smooth and free of any blemishes, since they can disrupt gameplay.

The bag that fills the cornhole should be a minimum of six inches wide and weigh fifteen to sixteen ounces. Corn kernels are the most common filling, but other materials can be used as well. While corn kernels work best, a synthetic material is more durable and won’t suffer from the deterioration that moisture can cause.