A bean bag toss game is a fun way to get kids moving and can help them practice their hand-eye coordination. The game can be played alone or with an opponent, and the board can be made from a variety of materials including cardboard, wood, and plastic. The bags can be purchased or made at home, and can be filled with any small, hard pellet-like material such as dried beans, peas, or rice.
To play, players stand a set distance away from the targets and take turns tossing bags at them. Typically, the more bags that make it into the target or through the hole, the more points are earned. The first player to reach 21 points wins.
The areas to the left and right of the board are called the pitcher’s boxes, and a line (either imaginary or drawn) that extends out from the front of the boards in both directions is the foul line. Players must stay behind this line when throwing the bags or they will not count.
Fouls include any bag that hits the ground before hitting the board, or a bag that goes through the hole but isn’t caught on the hoop. Players must call out what they’re going to score before they throw a bag and must try to score that amount or more.
To add another layer of challenge to the game, a tic-tac-toe grid can be marked on the ground and players can throw bags into different spaces to complete a row. The grid can also be propped up at various angles to add an extra element of difficulty.