Cornhole Distance Between Boards

cornhole distance between boards

Cornhole is an exciting game that can be played with friends and family. It is also a competitive sport, so there are rules and regulations that you need to follow. But that doesn’t mean you have to be rigid and strict about them.

When it comes to setting up your cornhole boards for competition, the distance between the front edges of each board must be 27 feet. This is the official regulation distance between each target and it will be a good idea to use a set that meets this standard when playing for competitive play.

You can set your boards apart 24 feet for a casual toss when you’re playing in a tailgate or a small backyard, but this isn’t necessarily the best distance. When you’re playing at a large event or at a tournament, it may be necessary to use a set of boards that is slightly less than the 27 foot range for more competitive play.

The Pitcher’s Box

A pitcher’s box is a designated space on each cornhole board. It extends three feet from each side and players must stay in this area during their throws.

The Foul Line

A foul line is a parallel line that separates the front edge of one cornhole board from the front edge of the other. A foul can be committed when a player steps in front of the front edge of the board or if a bag is thrown and ends up on the foul line or the board outside the painted “home plate” area.